Today, a lot boys are holed up in their rooms sitting behind computer screens isolating themselves from actual human contact.They have no outlet for the hard wired tendencies they possess and are sometimes given the message that these tendencies are bad or wrong. The men in their life may be absent or unsure of their own role as males. The resulting resentment and frustration they feel festers into mental illness.
Petzahut, I find this very interesting, and I think it is important to honor maleness as well as femaleness and to have healthy outlets for this. I think you may be on to something as a stress relieving factor could have a healthy outcome for male aggressive drives.(This is why Shadow work is so good get to know your repressed tendencies, and honor them, so they don't sneak up on you and bite you in the ass), I hope some major well respected psychologist give us some pointers on this. I'm all for being one's authentic self in a healthy way for them and society in general. One thing sadly lacking in US culture is Rites of Passage which I think might be a solution but how do to get the general public all on board?
I wonder what advice CG Jung would give?